Monday, March 21, 2011

Starting Your Week On the Right Foot

This morning I sat down at my desk for the first time in almost two weeks and immediately I was overwhelmed by the daily tasks of my job. Have you ever felt that way? It can be a paralyzing feeling. For me I get caught thinking that there is so little time and so much to do. I often don't know where to start. I had that feeling this morning. As I sat staring at my computer screen trying to figure out where to start my eyes wandered to a copy of the LeaderShape vision I have pinned to a bulletin board near my desk. I sat there for a moment and read…


A just, caring, and thriving world where all lead with integrity and a healthy disregard for the impossible.

As I read that the feeling of being overwhelmed slowly went away. I was grounded once again in the purpose of all of these daily tasks. Really for me it isn't about how many emails I need to return or how many glass pebbles need to be ordered. It is about working every day to create this world.

As you start your week, I encourage you to find your grounding. We each become grounded in different ways. It may be by looking at a quote, reading a poem or a scripture that brings meaning to you. I could be revisiting the vision you created a LeaderShape. It may even be picking up the phone and calling someone you are care about. Or simply spending a few moments in quiet meditation. However you find your center, I encourage you do it everyday….never forget why you are involved in the organizations you are a part of, why you do the work you do or spend your time in the way you do. Don’t forget why these things are important to you.

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumblebee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” Ashley Smith, Author


Unknown said...

Kristen...thanks for a great blog!! Loved this so much I cut and paste and sent it out to my Family Cluster (the WorldShapers)! I gave you full credit, though. :-)
Thanks for the thoughts and inspirational words!


Kristen Y said...

Thanks Blaine for your comment and for sharing it with the WorldShapers! Hope you are having a good week.