Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 7: Interns and Possibility

LeaderShape has two new members on staff!

This summer, there are two interns working in the office. Two graduate students who believe in LeaderShape enough to pick up and move to central Illinois for the summer. They live in an apartment they didn’t select with someone they don’t know in a town they have never been to. Their first day was at an office they had never seen with people they had never met.

When we think about Day 7, sometimes we become hyper-focused on moving forward with the vision work that was done at The LeaderShape Institute. And working towards one’s vision is an amazing way to make a difference in the world and to the causes that are most important to us. Your vision is important, so keep at it!

It’s also important to recognize that there are many other ways that we see Day 7 take life.

Like taking a risk that may bring you to an unknown town for a new job working alongside strangers, all of which can offer a different experience, perspective, and serve as an additional way to embrace what we learn during our LeaderShape experience.

Building community, embracing change, believing in possibility.

Stephanie and Joe