Monday, December 19, 2011

Reflections on our 25th Year (Part 1)

From our dear friend and former staff member and faculty, Alice Faron:

As I reflect on the 25 years of LeaderShape’s existence , I find myself in awe! Not just because this great organization has been in operation so long, or because I spent so much of my career there…..but because of the impact that LeaderShape has had on me….and this impact still continues. I know, without a doubt, that many of the values that are shared and taught at The LeaderShape Institute are now “my values”. I can’t make a decision without considering the ethical implications, I can’t relate to a friend or family member without considering emotional intelligence and how my thoughts and actions will impact others, and I can’t look ahead to the future in my retirement without painting a picture with vision or stretch goals. This is the power of LeaderShape, particularly if it is seen as more than a six-day program.

There are countless ways to acquire and internalize values and convictions. Throughout life, we build on core principles and lessons. And this is what I am particularly grateful for related to LeaderShape. My life has taken twists and turns, but the lessons from LeaderShape are deep and far-reaching I know that my life is different because of being a part of the LeaderShape family…and I’m thankful for that!

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